i have elected, no pun intended, to join millions of bloggers today - all voicing their support for one candidate or another, espousing the virtues of this one over that one, and pointing out all that is wrong, which brought us in part to this point.
today i woke up (physically and metaphorically speaking) and i actually know who i'm voting for.
yes, he's young, full of hope, promising change. he's kennedy-esque, has a lovely family, and knows how to connect with people.
but these are not my reasons for my decision. barack obama gets my vote for the two things that he does not subscribe to:
1. he does not believe in the war in iraq, never did, and never got hoodwinked into voting for it
2. he does not end every speech by saying 'god bless america, and god bless you'.
it is my opinion that the premise for the iraqi war was always shaky - the united states had issues with the taliban and their tacit approval of fundamentalists on their soil. even though i am a pacifist, i recognize that sometimes it is critical to 'strike' in the interest of true security. iraq is another thing. france did not (rightfully) succumb to the pressure put on them by this administration, and while we are sinking (the dollar, the deficit, the vilification of our society universally), france is encouraging private enterprise in the construction of new high speed trains for improved infrastructure. why DID hillary clinton vote for this offensive (and it IS offensive!).
how did a so-called 'inexperienced' politician have the insight (not through cynicism) to separate what was critical from what was vengeful?
additionally, if i want to be blessed by any higher authority, i don't want that benediction coming from my president. i have a rabbi, thanks. what DID ever happen to separation of church and state? let's not pander to the god-fearing (porn-watching) set - hasn't seven years of that been enough?
we need politicians, not priests!
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