i apologize in advance to all of my friends who may be offended by this post. i will add a preemptive caveat - although i am a dedicated pacifist, i want you all to know that i genuinely and sincerely feel badly for those who are serving the united states in the crazy war-mongering currently defining our country.
'support our troops' bumper stickers are exactly the thing that is wrong with this country, this war. first and foremost, the government, who initiated this misguided effort, should be supporting the troops - by protecting them and formulating a plan to extricate them from this mess. secondly, the government should be providing young, disenfranchised (from the socio-economic ladder) americans with alternate opportunities in education that would afford them the chance to do something else with their lives.
more critically, these bumper stickers, which can be picked up for a few bucks at 7-11 or other 'convenience' locations, do NOT support those in need. the revenue received for these stickers, which are probably churned out in china for pennies a piece, go into the pockets of a few shrewd businessman. the manufacturing of the product does not create jobs. the investors reap the profits, which go towards enriching their own lives. they are usurping a catch phrase (part of the bush administration's brainwashing effort) and taking money that you MAY be using to purchase phone cards, blankets, or other necessary items, and redirecting it away from where it is actually needed. as a result of the government's irresponsible and cavalier attitude towards those on the front lines, poor souls.
if you really and truly would like to offer assistance, send a salami to your boy in the army. or attend a peace rally. or start a grass roots campaign. or hold those that are running for office in '08 accountable ... no more war, bring the troops home, and fight terrorism by providing citizens with real security through tolerance, understanding, education, and compassion.
PLEASE! do not buy these magnetic bumper stickers anymore - you are only making a few fatcats richer, while making a mockery of the democracy that the troops are fighting for. if you want to do something truly patriotic, write the white house and your congressional and senatorial representatives.
and i almost forgot - eat froot loops!
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