originally posted 12
september 2007:
The prevailing climate is not sustainable.
That’s just my personal opinion, of course. Yesterday, 11 September, found us lying prostrate on the ground, exercising at the unholy hour of 5 am. A dearth of cooking shows prompted us to watch Channel 7 Live (how many times can I see Lydia Bastianich make pasta?). On the news, the broadcast was beamed directly from Ground Zero. The dapper newscaster professed the unified support of the country, and emoted the feelings of the families of the victims of 9-11. I found the entire thing rather unseemly and disingenuous. Actually, infuriating. “This is how the families will heal”, and “reading the names of the loved ones brings closure”. These buzz words from talking heads only help to numb us further - reducing the gravity of the tragedy and the lives caught up in it to a collective whole, to some pathetic mass worthy of the attention of People magazine and schmaltzy local TV. Fear not, tomorrow it will be Paris, Nicole, and Brittney back on top.
In a related story, another local TV station had Mayor Bloomberg on - the question posed to him was “Are we safer than we were in 2001”. An ensuing dialogue between the two assured all of us out there that, bien sur, we are indeed safer now. A resounding, emphatic yes! Don’t you feel better? Never mind taking off your shoes at JFK, or squeezing your shaving gel into a plastic bottle with a capacity of less then 3 ounces!
All of this talk in the media, in Congress, by GWB about safety (remember Iraq’s WMD?). It is such utter, complete nonsense. Anyone that thinks for a moment that hearing the Mayor or the President or Nancy Pelosi posture that we are safe really is in mortal danger! Safety and security are two very different issues, and we are not secure as a nation.
Security. Well, having just returned from Israel, I can tell you that people are not constantly obsessing about ‘safety’. They are smart enough there, and have enough experience to know that in fact, they are not ‘safe’. But they ARE secure, which we are not. Do you think if Israel was attacked by Osama bin Laden, he would still be hanging out in caves six years on? Remember Entebbe? Now, I know, I know, I’ve told you I’m a pacifist, an optimist, and I am. But let’s be real. This garbage that we get fed about what’s coming around the corner just keeps everyone paralyzed with fear.
Israel... our flight home, with the carryon luggage, found us moving swiftly through the security checkpoint at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. As we approached the ‘xray’ machine, we offered to remove our shoes, show our puny liquids in ziploc bags, take out our laptops, even submit to internal exams! Our offers were promptly declined. “We’re not the US”, proclaimed the young woman manning the booth. In other words, we actually use intelligent techniques to screen out shady elements. We have no vested interest in keeping our population, or our guests, freaked out. Quite the opposite - we want you to enjoy, be relaxed, take your time - and not feel as if you’ve just been to the local Finnish sauna by the time you’ve passed through to your gate. No need to schvitz here. And there is the key - in Israel, they live with the threat of terrorism daily, on top of the threat of war from hostile neighbors. What purpose does it serve to have everyone terrified 24/7? They know the dangers, they live with them, they send their kids to the army. So, the rest of the time - enjoy! Dance, have lattés at Aroma, go to the beach, drink Goldstars, have a rave in the Negev - just do it!
Is our own security in this country compromised as a result of Big Brother’s need to sell a very unsuccessful, unconvincing, and in my opinion misguided war? How will we know if and when we’ve won? Or lost? Fear (and high fructose corn syrup) keep us going. And the market has jitters. And the dollar is at an all time low against the Euro. And it takes 18 weeks to get a passport. But you wouldn’t want to go anywhere anyhow - all the good patriots are right here, next to us at Walmart!
So, as September 11th passes, and a new year begins this evening, be brave! My wish for the world is that we all move, discover, communicate, challenge, think, question, and be optimistic. Yes, life is very precious, but we are all vulnerable - and that’s exactly why the time is NOW for change ... and peace.
Good luck should you choose to accept this mission ... this tape will self destruct in ten seconds! Time for a little climate change, a little global warming if you know what I mean ...
Happy birthday Jane!
Shana tova and best wishes for the coming new year to all,