back in the pot-smoking, beer drinking, coke- snorting days of barry, a sense of character emerged (as detailed in today's new york times).
barry white? barry manilow? steve & barry's? nope. barack. obama. yes, that is he was known in school - barry - a very vanilla name indeed. now there are all of these emails floating around (thanks, dear republicans) insinuating the evil that lurks just beneath the surface of this brother ... is it racism? no, most definitely not. is the country 'ready' for an african-american (and this guy really IS part kenyan) or woman president? give me a break - more republican fear-mongering. the fact that the two front-runners in the democratic race are black and female is a total non-issue - and yes, it plays well in peoria too. let's face it, seven years of a dufus white guy educated at yale has NOT advanced the ball so much (more like set us back a few yards!) ...
of course, the other scare tactic i hear about (wildfire!) is that mr. obama grew up in indonesia - he's (gasp!) a muslim! or his pastor in chicago is louis farrakhan's protegé! or he's going to be 'bad' for israel.
well, last i looked, israel isn't in the greatest of positions ... surrounded on both sides by warring factions, and in a larger zone by fundamentalists bent on it's destruction, israel could use a little intervention. it took seven years for george w. bush, the 'greatest friend that israel ever had' (who spawned THAT one?!?) to make an official state visit - instead of searching for peace, he's making war (and hopefully not making love - yuchhhh! blehhh!).
it has always been official u.s. policy to bolster israel in a very troubled region, so we have no reason to suspect that that would change. and if by some chance barack obama gave israel and the palestinians a kick in the pants to get things moving, would that really be such a bad thing?
sometimes, in life, it's more important and critical to CHALLENGE than to ENABLE. we've had enough of this enabling for the last seven years - complacency has gotten us nowhere, and i don't believe that's good for israel or the palestinians.
beyond this narrow frame, shouldn't our candidate, our president, be a leader, a visionary, someone that young people can look up to? i'm not personally interested in defending corporate interests at the risk of huge fiscal irresponsibility and cutting of more social programs, public art, or health care.
when i see barack and michelle obama, i see what i would like to be, what i would like for my children to see. a young family, loving, committed to public policy, open and frank and honest, willing to take a chance and defend these values (no war!).
i have a dream ...
barry white? barry manilow? steve & barry's? nope. barack. obama. yes, that is he was known in school - barry - a very vanilla name indeed. now there are all of these emails floating around (thanks, dear republicans) insinuating the evil that lurks just beneath the surface of this brother ... is it racism? no, most definitely not. is the country 'ready' for an african-american (and this guy really IS part kenyan) or woman president? give me a break - more republican fear-mongering. the fact that the two front-runners in the democratic race are black and female is a total non-issue - and yes, it plays well in peoria too. let's face it, seven years of a dufus white guy educated at yale has NOT advanced the ball so much (more like set us back a few yards!) ...
of course, the other scare tactic i hear about (wildfire!) is that mr. obama grew up in indonesia - he's (gasp!) a muslim! or his pastor in chicago is louis farrakhan's protegé! or he's going to be 'bad' for israel.
well, last i looked, israel isn't in the greatest of positions ... surrounded on both sides by warring factions, and in a larger zone by fundamentalists bent on it's destruction, israel could use a little intervention. it took seven years for george w. bush, the 'greatest friend that israel ever had' (who spawned THAT one?!?) to make an official state visit - instead of searching for peace, he's making war (and hopefully not making love - yuchhhh! blehhh!).
it has always been official u.s. policy to bolster israel in a very troubled region, so we have no reason to suspect that that would change. and if by some chance barack obama gave israel and the palestinians a kick in the pants to get things moving, would that really be such a bad thing?
sometimes, in life, it's more important and critical to CHALLENGE than to ENABLE. we've had enough of this enabling for the last seven years - complacency has gotten us nowhere, and i don't believe that's good for israel or the palestinians.
beyond this narrow frame, shouldn't our candidate, our president, be a leader, a visionary, someone that young people can look up to? i'm not personally interested in defending corporate interests at the risk of huge fiscal irresponsibility and cutting of more social programs, public art, or health care.
when i see barack and michelle obama, i see what i would like to be, what i would like for my children to see. a young family, loving, committed to public policy, open and frank and honest, willing to take a chance and defend these values (no war!).
i have a dream ...